Club Events & Socials

Full 2025 Social Diary

A new season …a new social line up!

Your social committee have been hard at work setting out the coming year and are proud to announce the dates of this years significant social events.

The last few years we ahve seen a fantastic response from the membership and the majority of our social events sold out quickly. So we have tweaked and added to the list of events and hope you all get to one if not all of them!!

Here’s the line up…

Valentines Gourmet night -

Wine and dine your better half. A gourmet quality menu with live pianist, in a relaxed atmosphere with no waiter rushing you because they ‘need your table’

Captains drive in and Fun night -

Start the season on a high. See our new captains smash a massive drives to get us in the mood for the coming season, then have a night of fun and dancing with the return of this popular evening

Opening Day
First official men’s competition of the year… beef butties and karaoke

St George’s Day Night Golf
Be nearest the pin and scoop the loot. Open to all this year

Family Fun Day
A full day of activities for all the family. Entertainer, games and more

Now thats what i call music
Relive your youth with hits from the 70,89,90s with top band Wigwam

Happy birthday clubhouse
Our clubhouse is 20 years old, so lets celebrate with picnics , live artists in the day and night

Captains Final WeekendAugust
Our premiers competition with a great knees up on the Sunday night

Presidents Special Event
Celebrate the presednts cup chinese banquet and singer

Club Closing Day
End on a high with a night to bring an end to the season with singer Jo Farrow

New Years Eve masquarade ball
Bring in the new year amongst friends at our highly thought of end of year bash

There you have it, keep an eye on your emails and club notice boards for details on tickets and prices. Don’t be ‘that’ member who misses out and regrets buying early! We were inundated last season by requests after we had sold out. Don’t be disappointed this year!

We will also be announcing dates of quizzes and other social occasions as they arise during the year.

Let’s have a great year.

Your Social Committee

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Rochdale Golf Club Ltd
Rochdale Golf Club Ltd, Edenfield Road, Rochdale., OL11 5YR

01706 643818